Three Shadowrunners walk into a bar.
The first Shadowrunner finds their target at the bar, sits down next to him, and buys him a drink, before informing him - through gritted teeth and with a voice that announces the culmination of a chilling vendetta - that Oracle sends her regards. The second Shadowrunner casually snaps their fingers to set the exit behind them ablaze, and after taking a second to adjust their wide neon-trimmed collar, dropkicks the big troll bouncer who was reaching for his gun. The third Shadowrunner has already scanned everyone else in the bar and begins eliminating them in descending order of threat level, cutting edge military cybernetics combined with top-of-the-line firearms dropping four goons before they even realize they're being fired at.
While the above is a frankly terrible joke, it does vaguely imply the three common "Flavors" of Shadowrun. They're usually used as an either-or descriptor; however, I believe they're better suited to a three-way sliding scale, and I would like to tell you all about how that could help you describe your own game's vibe to your chummers. Let's jack in, shall we?